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Jewelry History and More

Restoration 3: Eisenberg Ribbon Brooch

Eisenberg brooch before restoning
An Eisenberg ribbon brooch from the 60s gets new life in vibrant shades of blue.

Restoration 2: Eisenberg Ice Crescent Moon Brooch

Eisenberg crescent brooch before restoning
From dull and faded to bright and sparkling, this moon truly turned to gold.

Restoration 1: The Cluster Brooch with No Name

Large cluster brooch before restoration
I had been restoning for a while before I thought to document the process in video form. This brooch seemed like a good candidate for a big reveal since it was going to have new color. Enjoy seeing it in real time via the magic of video!

How to Care for Your Vintage Costume Jewelry

How to Care for Your Vintage Costume Jewelry
Keep in mind that perfumes and hair spray can damage your jewelry. If you do use either product give it ample time to dry before donning your jewels.
Your jewelry should be washed in warm water with mild dish soap every 3-4 wearings.

The Mystery Brooch, Eisenberg or Imposter?

The Mystery Brooch, Eisenberg or Imposter?
Here is an interesting story about identification, misidentification, a possible fraud, and how even an auction house or a collector can be taken in.
I was doing some reading this week and found that a huge collection of Eisenberg had been auctioned in May of 2021. Joy of joys, the auction catalog is still available online to view. I was hugely surprised to see the item in photo 1, marked as an Eisenberg dress clip, marked as such in photo 2.